Services in Nottingham & Nottinghamshire

Double Impact delivers the following services in Nottingham city and Nottinghamshire:

Inclusive Recovery Cities Nottingham

The purpose of the IRC project is to create a new culture within Nottingham to include city wide approach to recovery which involves the community and other city-wide stakeholders to make recovery visible and accessible to anyone, to remove the stigma associated with addiction through raising awareness within the community and to celebrate recovery. This will bring benefits not only to users but also society at large. IRC Nottingham is a collective including ourselves and other LEROs (Lived Experience Recovery Organisations) Nottingham City Council, local treatment providers and people with lived experience.

22 Friar Lane, Nottingham, NG1 6DQ

Contact: Miggy James
Phone: 07976861715

Inclusive Recovery Cities Nottinghamshire

The purpose of the IRC project is to create a new culture within Nottinghamshire to include a county- wide approach to recovery which involves the community and other stakeholders to make recovery visible and accessible to anyone, to remove the stigma associated with addiction through raising awareness within the community and to celebrate recovery. This will bring benefits not only to users but also society at large. IRC Nottinghamshire is a collective including ourselves and other LEROs (Lived Experience Recovery Organisations) Nottinghamshire County Council, local treatment providers and people with lived experience.

18-19 St John St, Mansfield, Notts

Contact: Claire Hannah
Phone: 07718485556

Nottingham Recovery Network and the Nottingham Academy

As part of our wider Recovery Support throughout the system, our Nottingham and Clean Slate Academies, part of Nottingham Recovery Network, create learning, training, volunteering and employment opportunities for individuals who have achieved abstinence. The Clean Slate Academy specialises in working with people who are involved in the criminal justice system.

Individuals receive 1:1 support and a personalised continuing professional development plan to help them take the next step into education, training or employment. The focus is on learning as a means of supporting, strengthening and enriching recovery.

Nottingham Wellbeing Hub, 73 Hounds Gate, Nottingham, NG1 6BB

Freephone number:
0800 066 5362

Clean Slate Academy – part of Nottingham Recovery Network

The ‘Clean Slate’ Academy (in partnership with Framework Housing Association) works with people who are currently under a community probation order and provides a person-centred learning and employment pathway that is designed to meet the client ‘where they are at’.

This programme delivers personal development opportunities to ‘students’, with an emphasis on education, training, volunteering & mentoring, employment, and connections to their wider community assets. These objectives are achieved through access to accredited training packages delivered both within the Academy and in conjunction with partner agencies.

Nottingham Wellbeing Hub, 73 Hounds Gate, Nottingham, NG1 6BB

Freephone number:
0800 066 5362

New Path to Employment

New Path to Employment is a small team of local people who work alongside the recovery teams in the Wellbeing Hub.

Their purpose is to find you a job that you’ve always wanted to have.

They have a wealth of experience in recruitment, employability and drug and alcohol recovery, offering 1:1 support, introductions to supportive and understanding local employers, benefits advice and time unlimited support in-work.

Nottingham Wellbeing Hub, 73 Hounds Gate, Nottingham, NG1 6BB

Phone number:
07815 028944

Sherryl Harrod
Senior Employment Specialist

For more information please click:


Café Sobar

Café Sobar is an alcohol-free recovery cafe and venue in the centre of Nottingham and has been developed with the support of the National Lottery Community Fund.

The initial idea for Café Sobar came from the users of Double Impact services, who found that one of the main barriers to their recovery was social isolation and the lack of places to go that are alcohol-free, particularly in the evenings and at weekends. Our vision is to provide Nottingham with an alternative to the mainstream restaurants and bars, offering a convivial and creative space open to everyone who wants the choice to socialise without a focus on alcohol.

Café Sobar is a community interest company, so all profits go directly back into the Double Impact charity, helping to fund the services needed to support people in recovery from drug and alcohol addiction. The bar also provides opportunities for people in recovery to gain valuable experience, training, volunteering and employment.

22 Friar Lane, Nottingham, NG1 6DQ

Phone number:
0115 824 0364

Recovery Links Nottinghamshire

Recovery Links Nottinghamshire is a new service for people who have concerns about their own or another’s drinking or drug use.

This is a service for adults aged 18 and over in any part of Nottinghamshire.

What will it offer me?
  • A county-wide information telephone and webchat service, providing accurate information and signposting to local and online support.
  • 1-1 support to help you identify and reach your goals around your drinking/ drug use.
  • An online programme of groups and short courses to help you to reach these goals.
  • Training & volunteering opportunities to improve your skills and prospects.

Phone number:
01623 272838

Web chat is also available. Please click:

Read more

Recovery Connector Apprenticeship Scheme

Becoming a support worker in the drug and alcohol sector or the wider health and social care sector is an attractive career path for many who achieve a stable recovery and want to give something back. Our Recovery Connector Apprenticeship Scheme builds on our courses and voluntary schemes to provide the next step along the journey and prepare people to make that leap into full-time paid employment in the sector.

Recovery Connectors are employed within our main services in Nottingham and Lincolnshire, to work as part-time paid staff for 12 months. During this time they are supported to study towards a Health & Social Care Level 3 qualification, and given specific employment support to prepare them for their next opportunity. To find out more, speak to your keyworker or use the contact details opposite.

Nottingham Wellbeing Hub, 73 Hounds Gate, Nottingham, NG1 6BB

Freephone number:
0800 028 5598

Changing Futures Peer Mentoring Programme

We provide Mentoring training to people with Lived Experience of Severe &Multiple Disadvantage to volunteer as positive role models in services as part of the Changing Futures programme.


For more information or to request a referral form, please contact Jayne Ball.


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